Avalon Mariners
Welcome to the Avalon Mariners PTO website! We hope you find this to be a resource for you throughout the year. If you have additional questions, you can submit them on the contact form through this site or email us at MarinersPTO@gmail.com.
What does the PTO do? Where do the membership dues go?
Avalon Mariners PTO:
Is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Avalon Elementary by fostering relationships among parents, teachers, the school and the community
Sponsors events such as the Father Daughter Dance, Boosterthon (Fun Run), Skating Party, the 5th grade party, Spring Carnival and Silent Auction, Teacher Appreciation Week, and more!
Gives a cash donation to the school for needed items such as technology, cafeteria tables, our new Maker Lab, and playground/recess equipment
Provides teacher grants to teachers who are PTO members
Provides assistance to students in need for field trips